Our Services
Explore the full range of services we proudly provide, including housing assistance, medical referrals, counseling, life skills training, and so much more. See how we're making a difference in the lives of our residents.
Want to Apply for Housing?
If you are in need of housing, we encourage you to apply. All the necessary details and information about our housing programs are also provided at the link below. Our team is here to support you in finding safe, comfortable housing that meets your needs—help is just a click away!
Congregate Housing
ASD’s Congregate Housing Program (CHP) provides personalized care with on-site Residential Coordinators (RCs). ASD’s Special Care Facility License from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Facility Licensing and Certification Division assures that ASD meets a broad spectrum of possible resident needs.
Housing Based Case Management
ASD’s Housing-Based Case Management (HBCM) offers 24/7 access to emergency referrals, counseling, and crisis intervention for residents. On-site Case Managers provide personalized, client-centered care, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each resident's needs.
Nutritional Services
ASD provides breakfast and lunch to all residents, with meals prepared by highly experienced Food Services Staff, totaling 93 years of combined expertise. The team’s diverse culinary skills allow for a wide variety of culturally inspired meals to meet residents' needs.
Medical Case Management
ASD’s Medical Case Management (MCM) program provides 24/7 support, including emergency referrals, counseling, and crisis intervention. MCMs monitor residents' care and evolving needs while ensuring compliance with care standards. The staff includes certified AIDS Certified Registered Nurses (ACRN) to meet a wide range of medical needs.
ASD’s Medical Transportation Services provide flexible, as-needed transportation for residents, including those on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) and with co-morbidities, ensuring access to care outside normal business hours. With two vehicles, one being wheelchair-accessible, ASD accommodates early morning, late afternoon, and routine medical appointments. This specialized service complements existing providers to meet the unique needs of ASD residents.
Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, & Utility Assistance (STRMU)
ASD is introducing the Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) program, helping secure stable housing for those who need it. We cover rental application fees, deposits, your first month’s rent, and utility deposit.
Permanent Housing Placement (PHP)
Permanent Housing Placement is an eligible supportive service activity under the HOPWA program, the goal of which is to help establish permanent residence when continued occupancy is expected.
Crisis Intervention Services (CIS)
Our Crisis Intervention Specialist team at AIDS Services of Dallas (ASD) offers essential support during challenging times, helping residents overcome immediate crises and build pathways to lasting stability.
Rapid Rehousing
Rent and utility support to help participants quickly secure stable housing.Each plan is tailored to meet the unique, evolving needs of participants, focusing on long-term stability.
Destination Home Permanent Supportive Housing
ASD's Destination Home Permanent Supportive Housing program provides stable, long-term housing solutions for individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness.
Want to Apply for Housing?
If you are in need of housing, we encourage you to apply. All the necessary details and information about our housing programs are also provided at the link below. Our team is here to support you in finding safe, comfortable housing that meets your needs—help is just a click away!